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Bahan listening Grade 4 UTS Semester 2 tahun 2015 adalah song unit 6 about "IN THE RAIN FOREST".
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Jadi instruksi besok adalah ananda melengkapi lyrics dari song unit 6 "IN THE RAIN FOREST"
Berikut liriknya:
Where are all the gorillas?
Let’s watch them eat and play.
They’re past the hills, across the bridge,
Around the lake
and the trees.
We could walk through the valley,
Climb the bridge and watch them play.
Could I go near the gorillas?
Yes, you
could, but not so near.
Where are all the gorillas?
Let’s watch them eat and play.
They’re over the hill, next to
the huts,
Across the waterfall.
Could I walk toward the valley,
Climb the hill and watch them play?
Yes, you could but be careful.
You could
fall down the hill.
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