( Memperkenalkan diri dalam bahasa Inggris )
Beberapa contoh mengucapkan salam / menyapa / menyambut
audience / hadirin.
• “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for the time given to
• “Good evening, everyone, I can’t tell you how nervous but happy I
am, to stand in front of you right now”.
• “Good Afternoon, ladies and gentleman. It’s a great honor for
me to be around you here today and I really appreciate this so much.
• “Hello, everyone, Thanks for coming along here today”.
• “Hi guys, I’d like to say thank you for inviting me. It’s
really nice to be here”
Opening Expressions adalah ungkapan - ungkapan yang diucapkan / digunakan
sebagai pembuka atau basa-basi/pengantar sebelum kita melakukan perkenalan.
Beberapa Contoh opening expressions dalam self introduction
• “First, Let me introduce my self”
• “Now, Allow me to introduce my self”
• “OK, I’d like to introduce my self”
Beberapa Contoh opening expressions dalam introducing someone ( diambil dari Yusup Priyasudiarja & Y. Sri Purwaningsih.2014.Inggris Gaul: Lancar ngobrol sehari-hari.Yogyakarta.Indonesia Tera)
• “Everyone, Now it’s time to ask our new classmate to introduce
himself, come on Mike, stand up and say something to us! “
• “OK, guys I’d like to introduce you to Rebecca, she’s going to join our
team to prepare the launching of our product next month. “
• “Well, Everyone, We’ve got new member here, big applause to Mr
andrian, He’s a regional representative for ABC company”
• “Now, ladies and Gentlemen, without anymore say and do, please
welcome Our new manager, Mr. Haryanto Santoso”.
Langkah selanjutnya adalah mengungkapkan siapa
diri anda, dari mana anda berasal, jika anda sedang mewakili
perusahaan/instansi tertentu maka nama instansi/perusahaan itulah asal anda
bukan kota dimana anda berasal, selanjutnya sebutkan profesi/pekerjaan/posisi/jabatan
anda, dan berikan sedikit penjelasan/gambaran mengenai pekerjaan anda.
Umur dan hobi tidak disarankan dibicarakan
ketika melakukan perkenalan dalam situasi pertemuan bisnis, namun akan
lebih baik jika di ungkapkan pada acara-acara pertemuan non formal seperti
arisan, undangan makan malam, dsb, atau pada situasi percakapan.
Contoh mengungkapkan siapa diri anda.
My name is . . . / I’m . . . (nama anda),
I’m from . . . (daerah asal /nama kantor/perusahaan anda),
I’m a. . . . (jabatan/Pekerjaan/profesi anda),
I’m responsible for/I handle . . . (sedikit penjelasan tentang
pekerjaan anda)
Apabila anda seorang mahasiswa :
I’m taking /I’m majoring. . . (jurusan anda)
Yang perlu
diingat :
• Apabila jabatan anda hanya ada satu di kantor/perusahaan anda
(kepala sekolah, direktur, dst), maka pergunakanlah kata sandang “The” bukan
• Pada saat menjelaskan job description (gambaran tentang pekerjaan),
jika menggunakan “I’m reponsible for” maka diikuti dengan V ing, jika memakai “I
handle” maka diikuti kata benda (Object).
Beberapa Contoh ungkapan penutup
o “OK guys, I think it’s enough, thanks”
o Well, everyone, I think that’s all I want to say for now, and don’t
forget to come by my store, just come by, I’ll give you special prize. Nice
to see you and Thank you.
o Ladies and gentlemen I’m afraid I’ve come to the end of my speech,
for the unpleasant words I’d like to say sorry, and thank you very much for
your attention.
Setelah mengetahui langkah-langkah dan Ungkapan standarnya, berikut adalah
contoh selengkapnya (penggabungan 4 langkah) dari self introduction speech
(pidato perkenalan diri)
Beberapa Contoh pidato perkenalan (diambil dari Yusup Priyasudiarja & Y. Sri Purwaningsih.2014.Inggris Gaul: Lancar ngobrol sehari-hari.Yogyakarta.Indonesia Tera)
Situation : Andini and Hari are attending a social gathering as a new
member, the moderator asks them to do introduction in front of everyone
in the room. (semi-formal)
“Good afternoon everyone, it’s really nice to be around you here today. I’m
sure I will get many new things here.
OK, let me introduce my self, My name is Andini Firstyani, just call me
Dini, I’m 20 years old, I’m from Pekalongan,
I’m a nurse for the local hospital and I’ve been there for almost 2
I’m responsible for taking care of the ICU patients. It’s really
challanging kind of job actually because sometimes I have to spend all night
long at the hospital but I really enjoy it anyway.
I like playing tennis on weekends. sometimes I play tennis with my friends
at the tennis court near the hospital.
Well, everyone, I think that’s all I want to say for now, thank you”.
“Good evening, guys! Well actually, I can’t tell you how nervous but happy
I am, to stand in front of you right now.
But OK, I’d like to introduce myself, My name is Hari Budi Utomo, you can
call me U’ut, I’m from Pekalongan,
I’m a student of California University, I’m taking Economics.
I also do the freelance job as a marketting for one of the textile
companies here in the city. well, to tell the truth, sometimes it’s hard
for me to manage time to catch both of them but so far so good. well, I think
this is the end of my introduction, nice to see you, thanks for making me join
this organisation.”
Terkadang pada situasi tertentu, kita pada posisi yang memperkenalkan orang
lain, misalnya memperkenalkan pembicara atau seseorang yang akan melakukan presentasi,
memperkenalkan anggota baru diorganisasi kita, memperkenalkan tamu pada acara
penyambutan, atau situasi lainnya, yang tentunya orang tersebut belum
dikenal oleh semua hadirin.
Berikut adalah contoh memperkenalkan orang lain pada situasi pidato formal.
“ Good afternoon, ladies and gentlement!
As you know, My name is Imam Suhada, I’m the CEO of this company.
Today is really special because we have Mr. Alex Griffith, our
partner from Australia, and On behalf of this company I’d like to say
welcome to Mr. Griffith. I hope your visit will bring about many improvements
to our business relationship in the future.
By the way, This is Mr. Saputra, our PR Manager, he’s going to give you
a presentation about our newest products as well as
accompany you later for a little tour to our production department, and
if you have questions, please feel free to ask him. Now, without anymore
say and do, please welcome : Mr. Saputra.”
Contoh Sebagai Berikut:
Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.
Good afternoon
Hello my friends, first of all let’s thanks to the God “Allah SWT”, who has
given us good health and opportunity, I glad and I’m very happy to meet here to
improve our English together. Honorable to Madam Eri Orpa and my beloved
friends. Okay for the second in this good opportunity allow me introduce
Let’s me
introduce myself.
My name is Jai
My nick name is Jay, can you spelt it J-A-Y.
I was born in Bekasi.
I live at Sukamahi street, Tembong Gunung village, RT/RW: 005/009, Sukamahi
Subdistrict: Center Cikarang, Regency: Bekasi, post code: 17811.
My status married.
My phone number 0856 707 4857.
My hobbies are listening music, watching movie and singing.
My favourite foods are sea foods.
My favourite colours are black, blue, red and black.
I have one wife and one son, I’m loves them.
My nick name is Jay, can you spelt it J-A-Y.
I was born in Bekasi.
I live at Sukamahi street, Tembong Gunung village, RT/RW: 005/009, Sukamahi
Subdistrict: Center Cikarang, Regency: Bekasi, post code: 17811.
My status married.
My phone number 0856 707 4857.
My hobbies are listening music, watching movie and singing.
My favourite foods are sea foods.
My favourite colours are black, blue, red and black.
I have one wife and one son, I’m loves them.
Okay I
think just enough introduce from myself. If you find me some mistakes I
apologize. Thank you very much for your attention..and the last…
Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh
Setelah mengucapkan salam / menyapa / menyambut hadirin, kita perlu mengucapkan terima-kasih atau mengungkapkan perasaan kita pada saat itu.
Berikut praktek sederhana yang dilakukan oleh siswa kelas 3 Sekolah Dasar
terimakasih ilmunya mas :)