School                  : SDII AL-ABIDIN SURAKARTA
Subject                 : English
Class/Semester   : 1/I
Competence Standard
Basic Competence
Learning Experience
1. Listening to words, simple commands and recognizing letters that construct word
1.1. Recognizing and repeating the phonic sounds of alphabets from the teacher or CD correctly

1.1.1. Recognizing and repeating simple word or sentences from the teacher  or CD correctly
Alphabet symbol, and the pictures of the book
This is A, B, C, D, E and so on.
Performance Test

1.1.2. Recognizing phonic sounds of simple words and pronunce them correctly
Introduction of name and their friends’ name
X: What is Your name?
Y: My name is Millie
Performance Test

1.2. Recognizing the pictures while listening to words
1.2.1. Recognizing the pictures of family members and occupations then give the words representing the pictures.
·   Family Tree
·   Pictures of Profession

X: This is my brother.
Y: Is he an artist?
X: No, he is a teacher.
Performance Test

1.2.2. Listening and pronunce the words of the parts of the body correctly.
Pictures part of the body.
I have a head.
I have two hands.
I have two eyes.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

1.3. Responding toward pictures in order while listening to target vocabulary and functional dialogs
1.3.1. Understanding words which are represented by the pictures and knowing adjective word.
·  Pictures of many kind of pets.
·  Introduction of adjective words

·   This is a cat, camel, chicken, etc.
·   Big, small, tall, cute, long, thin, young, old, etc.
Performance Test

1.3.2. Memorize the pictures as well as the words and put them in order.
·  Pictures of places and things at home.
·  Pictures of household object.

·  Things at home: kitchen, window, door, bathroom, etc.
·  Household object: bed, stove, TV, fridge, lamp, etc.
Performance Test

1.4. Listening and responding corectly to simple commands
1.4.1. Listening to understand simple commands and put them in order
Teacher: Sit down
Students: (sit down – follow the teacher instruction with action by down)
I’m Excited
·  Simple communications between teacher and the students.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

1.4.2. Responding the simple command correctly

2. Starting to speak confidently and actively of simple words related to daily activity.
2.1. Knowing words and repeating words with pictures.
2.1.1. Knowing many simple words.
Colors and numbers
Geen, Orange, Blue, etc.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

2.1.2. Understanding simple words and repeating.
The pictures of classroom object.
A book, eraser, etc.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

2.2. Repeating, and memorizing simple statements, questions and answers when given model.
2.2.1. Understanding simple statement, questions, and answers given
Fammily Tree
X: Do you have a father?
Y: Yes I do.
X: What is his name?
Y: He is Jalaludin.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

2.2.2. Speaking and perform active and actively
Part of the body
·  Clean hands
·  Dirty face
·  Clap your hands
·  Stamp your feet
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

2.2.3. Knowing, speaking and memorizing the kind of pets and adjective sentences
Pictures of many kind of pets.
Knowing adjective words.
·  Rabbit, cow, goat.
·  A small rabbit.
·  A big cow.

Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

2.3. Performing dialogues of a short story  after listening.
2.3.1. Understands simple statement in a short conversation.
I like vegetable.
I don’t like vegetable.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

2.3.2. Perform confidently the simple dialogue of a story
I’m Excited
You look pale.
Are you angry.
She is sick.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

3. Reading fluently and corectly of words, simple sentences.
3.1. Reading aloud a simple word and simple sentences.
3.1.1. Reading aloud words and sentences confidently.
Pronunciation and intonation of words and sentences (statements and questions).
Read all the words and sentences aloud.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

3.1.2. Reading words and sentences with correct pronunciation and intonation.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

3.1.3. Reading aloud words and sentences with correct pronunciation and intonation.
Read all the words and sentences loudly and correctly.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

3.2. Recognize the target vocabulary and phonic words with pictures.
3.2.1. Reading simple word and simple sentence with pictures.
Pictures and symbol represent words and sentences.
Point to the student in the picture desribed in the text.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

3.2.2. Recogizing how to pronunce words and sentences.
Words or illustrated pictures.
Ø Observation
Ø Performance Test

4. Starting to write alphabets, numbers, students’ name, simple words, simple sentences and adjectives correctly.
4.1. Spelling the alphabets, number, simple words and adjective words correctly.
4.1.1. Knowing alphabets, number, simple words and adjective towards the pictures.
Illustrated pictures and symbols.

Have the students write each letters correctly
Written test

4.2. Copying, remembering and rewrite simple words and simple sentences.
4.1.2. Understanding and remembering simple words and simple sentences.
Writing their own name in English
My name is...
Written test

        Surakarta,                 Juli 2012
Sign of agreement
The Principal of SDII AL-ABIDIN                                                                                                                                                                     English Teacher

Arif Mashudi, S.T.                                                                                                                                                                                               Muh. Nur Syamsudin, S.Pd.
NIK 2006041002

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